Adverse Impact of Air Conditioning on Health And the Environment - Currently, the existence of Air Conditioner (AC) has become a non-negotiable need. The use of air conditioning is no longer only in one place, but almost in all places where everyone carries out their daily activities. Starting from the family room, bedroom, office space, to the car. - This air temperature control is needed so that the room becomes cold and provides comfort when indoors. But in reality, a day of being exposed to air conditioning can have a negative impact on health. Arbitrary? Check out the following review!
Easily Tired
The impact of air conditioning on health that needs to be known is to make it easier for the body to experience fatigue. Consciously or not, this often happens due to the lack of natural fresh air entering the lungs. Not only fatigue will be felt, but also various disorders will appear such as nervous disorders and symptoms of nausea accompanied by headaches.
Dry Skin
By staying in an air-conditioned room all day, it will slowly reduce skin moisture. In addition, the body will be dehydrated, so these two things will trigger dryness of the skin. If the skin has experienced dryness, the production of mucous membranes will automatically decrease.
Results in Tense or Stiff Neck
Don't be surprised when you wake up in the morning after sleeping all night in an air-conditioned room, you experience a nape neck. Your neck will be painful and difficult to turn your head. This health disorder, which is also called torticollis, is one of the negative impacts of using air conditioning.
Shortness of Breath
If the room is continuously supplied with air conditioning, the production of membrane irritated mucus will continue to be produced, resulting in shortness of breath. Not only that, ac also contains chemicals, namely paradichlorobenzene and formaldehyde which trigger other respiratory diseases such as asthma.
Other impacts for the use of Home, building or office air conditioning are
Sick Building Syndrome
Sick building syndrome is more often seen in buildings with air conditioning systems, but such buildings do not have proper ventilation. Buildings where people often experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, headaches, and excessive fatigue, collectively referred to as "Sick building syndrome". It is believed that this strange syndrome may be caused by fungi and other micro-organisms, fungi or circulated micro-organisms hammering the air conditioner and then the air we breathe for a long period of time.
Legionnaire's Disease
Legionnaires disease is a type of pneumonia, it is caused by the bacterium legionella pneumophila. One of the main problems with health related to air conditioning is that warm water in the central air conditioning system (especially in hotels and hospitals) can be a gathering place for these bacteria. The most common symptoms of the disease are cough, body aches, high fever and chills, fatigue, as well as headaches. If left untreated in time, this legionary disease can lead to complications and can be life-threatening.
For weight loss
A study conducted by biostatisticians at the University of Alabama at Birmingham observed that air conditioning can cause weight gain. According to this study, when we use air conditioning to maintain a constant home temperature, then our body no longer needs to expend energy or burn calories to adjust to changes in ambient temperature. This can ultimately lead to weight gain. so for Ac users, it's better to be more diligent in sports.
What are the adverse impacts caused by the use of air conditioners on the environment?
Gases Used in Air Conditioners
According to Riza Pratama in his research entitled The Effect of Greenhouses on the Earth, refrigerators or refrigerators as well as air conditioners and other air conditioners are electronic items that use artificial gases called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or chlorofluorocarbons.
CFCs are chemical compounds that have non-flammable and non-toxic properties. This compound also has a very regular stability so that it can be used into various equipment. CFC has a trade name, which is Freon. This type of gas became known and used by the public after World War II.
In addition, chlorofluorocarbons have two types of carbon that are most often and commonly used by humans, namely CFCs R-11 and CFCs R-12.
Both types are usually used to develop foam and are used in air conditioning equipment and refrigerators as well as solvents for cleaning microchips.
Here are some of the impacts of using air conditioners and refrigerators.
The use of air conditioners containing CFCs can make the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere thinner.
1. Ozone Layer Depletion
Reporting from the American Chemical Society, ozone absorbs most of the sun's ultraviolet radiation and prevents harmful radiation from reaching the earth's surface. The ozone layer is a layer of ozone molecules found in the second layer of the atmosphere, namely the statosphere.
This layer has many functions for the earth and life in it, one of which is to absorb ultraviolet rays that are not good for living things and ecosystems in the earth.
Quoting from the book Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions written by Saidal Siburian, M.M, one unit of CFC molecules can damage 100,000 units of ozone molecules.
Therefore, users of air conditioners and refrigerators that have CFC gas can make the ozone layer even more damaged.
2. Global Warming
One of the impacts of using air conditioners and refrigerators made from CFCs is global warming.
Chlorofluorocarbons are chemical compounds that are greenhouse gases. If human activities mostly produce this gas, it will cause global warming.
As we all know, the greenhouse effect is one of the main causes of global warming. CFCs are substances that can produce a warming effect up to thousands of times that of carbon dioxide.
Therefore, the use of air conditioners and refrigerators that use CFCs can cause global warming.
Global warming itself will cause changes in the existing systems in the earth's ecosystems, ranging from extreme climate change, melting ice so that sea levels rise, to changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation.
So, use ac wisely. An example of turning off the air conditioner when leaving the house. This little thing, in addition to being useful for reducing environmental damage, can also reduce the use of electricity. And make it more energy efficient.